
Friday, September 2, 2011

too school for cool

Well, school is officially in session! What a week. I've had who knows how many first days of school and yet it never fails to instill in me a faint sense of horror at the thought of all the work ahead of me. But lets go back a little further than Monday.

So... the day after my last post was Wednesday, the day that 70% of out residents here at Helaman Halls move-in. Move-in day = complete zoo. Luckily I only had to work 5 hours checking people in and then I got to go work at our opening social which is so much fun :) The rest of last  week was spent in getting ready for school and working shifts checking people in and Friday night was spent working my first regular shift in the hall office. Then came Saturday. On Saturday I accomplished the gargantuan task of asking a boy on a date. I know...whoa. Granted, it was a triple date and I didn't actually ask him in person (we made super-awesome invitations and stuck them in their mailboxes) but it was a great feat all the same. And the best part...they all said YES! I then finished off this fantastic day meeting some new people at my ward social (and my Bishop who was actually in the bishopric of my ward last year! I know, I am so lucky :P) and going for a wonderful run around campus. Sunday was the first day of church in our new wards and my first floor meeting! Now that was a rather scary experience. As an RA, residents can be very intimidating. But I made them funfetti cake-batter cookies and kept it short so all was well .

Then, all too soon, it was Monday. duh, Duh, DUH.... but I survived. Then Monday night was FHE and then our date! For our date we went and got shave ice at a little stand right off campus then walked up to Rock Canyon Park to watch Tron on a giant, blow-up, outdoor movie screen. It was fantastic (both the movie and the company)!

us and our dates : ]
Tuesday passed without incident until I decided to add a new class. Then I had to run around like crazy returning textbooks and getting notes and playing catch-up, but now I am satisfied with my schedule.  I am particularly looking forward to my New Testament class with Camille Fronk Olson!!! What I am really excited about for this class is the personal project. We get to do a semester-long personal project of our own choosing. For mine I'm pretty sure I'm going to read Jesus the Christ along with our assigned readings and keep a study journal of it, with the specific goal of coming to better know my Savior Jesus Christ. I can't wait :)

One of my goals this school year is to stay in better shape and maybe even perhaps run a half marathon in the spring and...I've actually managed to drag myself out of bed at the crack of dawn on the majority of the mornings this week. It's sooooo hard to get out of my nice, warm, comfortable bed to go running outside in the cold semi-darkness, but somehow, I managed. And it always feels good afterwards. I don't think there's ever a time when I'm like "gee, I really regret exercising and  keeping my body healthy and strong.." yeah, no, I always feel better afterwards.
I'm so glad today is Friday! I am so ready for a nice long weekend to get myself all caught-up and squared away and ready for another week of school.

Note to self.... pretzel m&ms are delicious! If you haven't tried them, you MUST...

oh, and here are some pictures of a bit of my hall decorations:

{my hall theme is true colors (like an individual worth type deal)}
[this is the bulletin board]

{and this is the mirror next to it :)}

Then I just have quotes on the walls. Some of which have to do with my theme, others of which are just ones that I like. Such as this one:
                 "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction
                  that I had nowhere else to go."
                          ~Abraham Lincoln
I have to say, I could definitely relate to this one this past week. There was just a moment when I felt so overwhelmed with work and school and everything else that I just didn't know what to do, I didn't know how I was going to make it all work. And finally  (it probably took me longer than it should have) I just got down on my knees and that was all I needed. So remember that, and don't let it take you so long. Prayer doesn't need to be the last resort, in fact, it shouldn't be.

Well, that's it for this week. Week 2...bring it on. I'll catch ya'll on the flip side :)

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